This Online Musuem website of the late Legendary Olympian Gold Medalist/Coach Harvey Glance is about honoring every part of his achievements and greatness of his personality that has really set him apart from anyone that you have met in your lifetime. I myself as his niece really just wanted to show my appreciation for the time God allowed me to have with him on this earth and also to reflect on that not only was he a strong person, he was a very loving and caring person for all, and I  want all of his friends, colleagues, close friends and others who wanted before then to get to know him to be able to have an unique t-shirt of him designed by me to remember him by besides holding on to his brochure or looking him up on Google.

Keep his name alive forever, because he dedicated his entire life to encourage others and to set remarkable records in his track and field days and as a Coach of track and field. A very longtime friend of his from Auburn University named Mr. J.B Brown understood why I wanted this for my uncle, he was there, he saw his hard dedications to become a legend, not only that, he himself is also a legend to Auburn University Baseball and to Chicago White Sox and I appreciate him for letting me know that I am not expecting the impossible in my uncle's honor.

Also I will like to continue to encourage our hometown area Phenix City, Alabama to create a bronze statue in his honor, a childhood friend and classmate of his named Mr. Louis Williams Jr. has also wanted to share the same dream as I did too, to show the youth today that it is VERY possible to make it in whatever they choose to do and be a positive role model growing up from Phenix City, Alabama just as my uncle Harvey Glance did. I have been trying to make this happen since September 2023 with the help of Mr. Mark Clark who saw this dream way before the passing of my uncle and I thank him for being a wonderful friend and classmate to him, we need the help of his friends and all who knew him to make this possible. I feel that it's been long overdue and it would be something for my uncle to be proud of in spirit. I will leave you with his favorite quote:

"If it's to be, then it's up to me."

~Coach Harvey Glance 

Love you, cont' to rest peacefully uncle Harvey Edward Glance🌹🌹🌹

Your niece,

~Rachel Glance "Baby Girl"


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